Andy Dibble is a writer of science fiction and fantasy and a healthcare IT consultant. His work appears in Writers of the Future, Diabolical Plots, and Mysterion. He has supported the electronic medical record of large healthcare systems in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Singapore.
Books Edited
Strange Religion: Speculative Fiction of Spirituality, Belief, & Practice, 2022, TDotSpec
Short Fiction
“Deymons,” 2024, in Mysterion
“Render unto Jesus,” 2024, in Sci Phi Journal
“Pro-Vote,” 2023, in Inner Workings
“Every Me is Someone Else,” 2023, in Diabolical Plots
“The Baptismal Status of Persons Wetted by the Sprinkler Deluge,” (revised version), 2023, in Mysterion
“A Word That Means Everything,” 2022, in Professor Feiff’s Compleat Pocket Guide to Xenobiology for the Galactic Traveller on the Move
“The Pronouns of Hlour,” 2022, in Sci Phi Journal
“The Baptismal Status of Persons Wetted by the Sprinkler Deluge,” 2022, in Sci Phi Journal
“Migration,” 2021, in What Remains: An Anthology by Inked in Gray
“Then Immortality Was Invented,” 2021, in Sci-Fi Lampoon
“Two Variations on Default Salvation,” 2020, in Sci Phi Journal
“Bang the Drum,” 2020, in Speculative North #3
“Trial in Majority,” 2020, in Simultaneous Times #32 (starts as 12:01). Text version here.
“The One-Way Road,” 2020, in Outsiders: A One-Shot Anthology of Speculative Fiction (anthology written and edited in one day)
“The Meaning of His Own Words,” 2020, in Sci Phi Journal
“A Word That Means Everything,” 2020, in Writers of the Future, Volume 36
“The Greatest Good to God,” 2019, in Sci Phi Journal
“Natural Selection,” 2022, in Star*Line 45.2
“Type 1a,” 2022, in Space & Time
“Prayer for Moving Up,” 2021, in Star*Line 44.2
“Nothing to Do,” 2021, in Star*Line 44.2
“Twenty-sixth century colonists,” 2021, in Star*Line 44.2
“Split Brains,” 2021, in Mobius 32.1
“Appropriate Language,” 2021, Editor’s Pick in Star*Line 44.1
“Storytelling Promises in ‘Knight’s Blood,’” 2023, in Inner Workings
“Passive Voice in Fiction,” 2021, in Speculative North #4
“Krishna as God and World: A Study in the Theodicy and Ontology of the Bhagavata Purana,” 2010, in Duke Undergraduate Journal of South Asian Studies